Siddhi Community : Africans or Indian?

Siddi community is an African community which came India in 7th century as African labor, and settled in regions of India like Maharashtra, Gujarat Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh . The Indian government (SAI) has also made a program named as SAG in 1987 for this community children as, the Africans in international level has won many medals in Olympic. As, India didn't won any Olympic medal in track and field, so SAI thought to bring the African Indians in Olympics. And it worked many people of this tribe represented India and India got the first medal in track and field in 1987.Many people got money,,job, and reputation by the program.

All the people were performing well but suddenly in 1993 the program got closed and the children were sent back home and many people's dreams were broken. The African Indians prefer to stay at their village. As, they go to cities and travel through bus or train many people resist them. They face many problems like, as, they look Africans so many societies in cities doesn't gives a room to stay even they don't get a room for a paying guest as well. They are treated as foreigner in cities as, they don't know they are Indians. They are fighting for their human rights.

In my opinion there should be awareness of these tribes and they should be treated well. For that many people and NGOs ,are working for them. The people of the tribe says that "this is possible by the sports" So the SAI should again start the SAG program.
